Adie Tamboli M.D. specializes in the treatment of allergies involving nasal sinus ears lungs skin drug and insect sting allergies. We have full diagnostic and therapeutic facilities available for skin tests blood tests lung function tests drug allergy tests and immunity tests for recurrent infections. We prepare and administer allergy shots based on patient's allergy condition (immunotherapy). Dr. Tamboli treats patients of all ages. Specializing In: ? Asthma ? Nasal Allergies-Sinus Allergies-Ear Allergies-Skin Allergies (Eczema Hives Poison Ivy Contact Dermatitis) ? Drug Allergies ? Insect Sting Allergies ? Recurrent Infections - Immunodeficiency Disorders
Business Type : | Service Provider |
Entity : | Not Classified |
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Phone No : | 3303431205 |
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