It is our God-given mission to take the name of our wonderful Savior to every person. This is why our mission statement reads The mission of Southwest Baptist Church is to honor God and help people by going across the street and around the world with the gospel. His mission is our mission. As you browse this section of our website we hope that you are challenged to embrace Gods mission as the mission of your life. His global purpose should be the overriding purpose of your life. Use the website as a tool to pray for the least evangelized areas of the world (Matt. 9:37-38). Become familiar with the missionaries sent and supported by Southwest Baptist Church. Take advantage of the available resources to encourage missionaries. We have this window of opportunity to fulfill Gods mission in this generation. Join Him in His mission.
Business Type : | Service Provider |
Entity : | Not Classified |
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Phone No : | 4056821491 |
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