Honor Integrity Trust these are our treasured core values. We dont believe in gimmicks or retail hooks designed to make you spend money that isnt necessary. We dont incentivize our techs to meet quotas or upsell repairs and services you dont need. We believe in honest advice on your home and business comfort system with your best interest at heart. The focus is on fixing it right the first time and holding ourselves accountable to our best quality work. After all its our guarantee to you! Central York was founded in 1968 by experienced Richmond HVAC tradesmen Robert Townsend George Bell Wayne McMillan and J.P. Gordon. Their goal was to form a service-based business that put the customer first and foremost with the understanding that if Central York didnt put the customer first someone else would. Robert is still involved in day-to-day operations but the company leadership is now in its second generation with Joseph Townsend and Doug Bell carrying on the values that Central York was founded on.
Business Type : | Service Provider |
Entity : | Not Classified |
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Phone No : | 8047295550 |
Website : | https://www.centralyorkcorp.com |
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