We consider ourselves progressive people. We search for light and air soothing comfort and tactile surfaces beauty and simplicity tangible relationships between inside and outside space honest expression of materials and delight in details and human scale spaces. Mostly we search in our built work for strong relationships between these components of good design. No matter the age of a project whether contemporary or antique well designed buildings have measures of all of these components. In this way while we are Modernists we are also Preservationists. There is really quite an indiscernible line between the two for us. When we approach remodeling projects in older homes we look to re-present the best of the existing enlightened and novel detailing of the original age within a fresh and innovative solution that is newly ahead of its time. The Modern and the Historic can coexist. It just takes respect for both.
Business Type : | Service Provider |
Entity : | Not Classified |
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Phone No : | 2185200860 |
Website : | https://www.cfdesignltd.com |
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