Access Rehab Center

22 Thompkins St
Waterbury, CT, US, 06708
0 of 5 0 Reviews

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Specializing in physical occupational speech and aquatic therapy Waterbury 134 grandview avenue Waterbury ct 06708 phone: (203) 573-7130 22 tompkins street waterbury ct 06708 phone (203) 419-0381 715 lakewood rd. Waterbury ct 06704 phone (203) 759-1122 waterbury hospital 64 robbins street waterbury ct 06708 phone (203) 573-6041 2154 east main street waterbury ct 06705phone: (203) 575-0516 wolcott 650 wolcott road Wolcott ct 06716 phone: (203) 879-6700 middlebury southbury 1625 straits turnpike Middlebury ct 06762 phone: (203) 598-0400 690 main street south southbury ct 06488 phone: (203) 267-4060 thomaston 131 main street thomaston ct 06787 phone (860) 283-4700 oxford seymour naugatuck 84 oxford road (rte 67) (oxford seymour line) oxford ct 06478 phone: (203) 881-0830 305 church street suite 16 naugatuck ct 06770 phone: (203) 723-4010

Person Details

Business Type : Service Provider
Entity : Not Classified

Working Hours

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